vacuum panel câu
And we're all annihilated in the cold, dark vacuum of space.Và chúng ta chết hết trong chân không tối đen, lạnh lẽo. I... I have 50 po...

We need to remove the nose airlock, the windows and Hull Panel 19.Chúng ta cần bỏ phần mũi tàu, cửa sổ và tấm chắn 19 The way around t...

a vacuum pump
To make a vacuum pump can be improvised.Để làm cho một bơm có thể là ứng biến. With suitable port connections, the devices may be eith...

absolute vacuum
Suddenly you fall into an absolute vacuum and nothing remains.Đột nhiên bạn rơi vào trong chân không tuyệt đối và không cái gì còn lại....

degree of vacuum
Degree of vacuum.VAcuum độ At this time, the hydrogenated titanium is rapidly decomposed into hydrogen, and the whole dehydrogenation ...

hard vacuum
For 10 days, the tardigrades were exposed to the hard vacuum and UV radiation.Trong 10 ngày, tardigrade đã tiếp xúc với chân không và b...

partial vacuum
Oxygen is as low as possible and there is a partial vacuum inside.Oxy thấp đến mức tối đa gần như là chân không ở trong này. The space...

perfect vacuum
When you go all the way up to space, there is no pressure, and it is a perfect vacuum with no air molecules left.Khi bạn đi lên vũ trụ,...

space vacuum
You can survive in a space vacuum.Bạn có thể sống sót trong một khoảng trống Space vacuum, of course, is not perfect, because even in ...

ultrahigh vacuum
The experiments were conducted in an ultrahigh vacuum at the low temperature of 10 Kelvin, with the use of liquid helium.Các thí nghiệm...

vacuum blender
Kuvings has strengthened its position as a global brand once again with its Vacuum Blender (SV-500), winning the ‘2018 Red Dot Award’ i...

vacuum bottle
The company name was changed to Tiger Vacuum Bottle Ind., Co., Ltd.Tên công ty được đổi thành Tiger Vacuum Bottle Ind., Co., Ltd. Th...

vacuum cleaner
Hell, I don't want my toaster or my vacuum cleaner appearing emotional. I did not murder him!1 cái lò nướng hay 1 cái máy hút bui...

vacuum distillation
In many case, vacuum distillation isTrong nhiều trường hợp, khử rung (cardioversion) là Alcohol Making Australia Distillery Equipment ...

vacuum energy
Then you'd know it wasn't vacuum energy.Thì bạn có thể biết rằng nó không phải là năng lượng chân không. m), the vacuum energy density...

vacuum extractor
One such birth-assistance tool is a vacuum extractor.Một trong những công cụ như vậy là iBackup Extractor.

vacuum flask
Vice President of Board of Trustees, Rang Dong Light Source & Vacuum Flask Joint Stock CompanyTên giao dịch quốc tế: RANG DONG LIGHT SO...

vacuum line
Poor man's turbo. Pull the vacuum line and hold on.Sao anh lại định chơi trò tự sát thể hả? About 6 feet of vacuum line hose, availabl...

vacuum measurement
For critical applications where safety and accuracy are top priorities, you need the right pressure and vacuum measurement devices.Đối ...

vacuum melting
to remove the constituents of the atmosphere that could cause a physical or chemical reaction during the process (e.g., vacuum melting ...

vacuum molding
5 tons for Negative Vacuum Molding Machine, 5 tons for Positive Vacuum Molding Machine and 8 tons for Injection Machine.5 tấn Máy hút c...

vacuum oil
1966 - Mobil celebrates 100 years since the founding of the Vacuum Oil Company in 1866 and changes its name to Mobil Oil Corporation.19...

vacuum oven
In industrial production, pan is generally not used alone, are equipped in the Drying Oven, vacuum oven and other equipment to work tog...

vacuum packaging
In 1900, R.W. Hills invented the process of vacuum packaging.Năm 1900, RW Hills đã phát minh ra quy trình đóng gói chân không . Henkov...

vacuum packing
The vacuum packing machine does not eliminate 100% oxygen.Khí xả không bao giờ có thể loại bỏ 100% oxy. Vacuum packing also helps main...